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3 BRAND NEW follow along HD workout videos every single week.
The workouts are only 18-26 minutes long, strength & cardio-based, and are fit for ALL FITNESS LEVELS. There is a trainer showing the modified version of every single exercise throughout every workout video.
A detailed high-end MEAL PLAN and meal plan guide which consists of daily food intake schedules as well as over 60 healthy and delicious recipes.

A private LIFESTYLE Facebook group, where you will receive guidance, daily check-ins from me, bonus workouts, bonus recipes, live videos, and support from all the other women who are part of the LIFESTYLE program as well. You can also reach out to Esther personally anytime you want!
I’m a complete beginner, will I be able to do the workouts?YES! The program is fit for ALL FITNESS LEVELS. There is a trainer showing the modified version of every single exercise throughout every workout video. Even if you have never worked out before in your life, this program is perfect for you.
What equipment do I need for the program?The equipment I recommend you have for the program is two sets of dumbbells; a “heavy set” as well as a “lighter set” (for example a 2Kg set and 4Kg set). If you don’t own these, no worries! You can start using cans of corn, water bottles, pots and pans, bag of flour, laundry detergent bottles etc instead of weights as well:)
Which track of the program is right for me?•The most popular track of the LIFESTYLE program is the full year subscription, as it it the smartest choice financially. Why? Since you are committing to being in the program for 12 months, each month comes out to less than 50% (!!) of the price that you would have paid if you purchased the one month option. 96% of the women that have joined the program are in the full year subscription track and are loving it:) •If you are either pregnant, trying to conceive or postpartum (that includes even 50 years postpartum!!), the Lifestyle PLUS Pregnancy & Postpartum series is the right choice for you! We have a massive amount of women in this track that have mentioned that their pregnancy/recovery was tremendously smoother because of this important rehabilitative series. There is so much information lacking in the world regarding your pelvic floor and core throughout a women’s life, and this series is a HUGE game changer.
What if I can’t commit to 12 the months?Every single part of the Lifestyle program is designed to keep you going with your healthy lifestyle LONG TERM. It’s literally the reason I it was given the name “Lifestyle”:) Between the incredibly supportive Facebook group (women lifting each other up and encouraging each other daily), the setup of the workouts, the release of new workouts each week, the fact that the workouts are so short and yet so effective, and our personal favourite: the fact that you can contact Esther AT ALL TIMES directly on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook messenger etc, is a massive perk to the program and truly helps ensure your ability to commit to your health LONG TERM. That being said, we of course understand that life is not perfect and there maybe be months where you aren’t able to get to your workouts, therefore according to our terms & conditions, you are able to FREEZE your membership whenever you’d like, for up to 4 months per year.
Can I purchase the Pregnancy & Postpartum series without the regular lifestyle workouts?Yes! The pregnancy& postpartum program CAN be purchased SEPARATELY from the regular LIFESTYLE program (264NIS per month for 12 months) OR as a combined package (314NIS per month for 12 months)
Can I purchase the postpartum series without the pregnancy series?Unfortunately not. The Pregnancy & Postpartum series is a combined package. You cannot buy them separately. Cost: 264NIS per month for 12 months.
Once I sign up and purchase the program, what do I do?Once you subscribe to the program and your payments have been processed, you will receive an email with clear Instructions on how to access your lifestyle program.
How do I purchase the PCOS series?The PCOS series is only available as an ADD ON to the regular Full Year Subscription. Once you click the Full Year Subscription option and proceed to checkout, you will be asked if you want to add the PCOS series to your subscription for an additional 50ILS (12USD) per month. Click yes, then proceed with checkout.
Can I purchase the PCOS series without the regular lifestyle workouts?Unfortunately not. The PCOS series is an ADD ON package to the regular LIFESTYLE series. You cannot buy them separately. Total cost for the LIFESTYLE PLUS PCOS series: 314NIS per month for 12 months.
No question is a silly question! Please remember Esther is here for you ALWAYS! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions at all!!!
Join the hundreds of women that have changed their lives for the better❤️

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